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First Nations Expedition: Two Days Before Launch

motoneige décorée aux couleurs de l'expédition des premières nations

Only two days left before the launch of the First Nations Expedition! Today, participants continued to arrive in Pessamit, and a few others are expected to arrive tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we were able to park our snowmobiles in the village arena. They will stay there until our departure on Saturday morning.

snowmobiles are parked in the local arena until the big launch of the first nations expedition

The Community Centre will serve as our accommodation for the next two nights, with our camp beds set up in prospection tents.

Don’t worry; these tents have been set up indoors, and various sounds and scents will be diffused in the room to make us feel as if we were outdoors.

It’s incredible the effort put into welcoming us, and it’s only just beginning.

The event-themed clothing, specifically designed by Choko, is being distributed to those who requested it upon their arrival.

Excitement keeps on building!

Stay tuned for another update tomorrow!

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