We recently put the 2015 Polaris AXYS Switchback LE through some extreme conditions of snow and temp
We recently put the 2015 Polaris AXYS Switchback LE through some extreme conditions of snow and temp
The event Open House held by the Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec was held this week-
Last week-end, on a nice sunny day, my youngest son Sébastien and I went snowmobiling on the SRViper
A few days ago, I had the chance to go snowmobiling with my friends Clément, Denis, Dominic and Stev
The long term trial of the SledMagazine.com 2015 Polaris 800HO AXYS Switchback LE has officially beg
We all know this feeling : to turn the key, to fasten our hemlet, to put our gloves on and to start
It’s in the last days that the great day finally arrived: the possession taking of the 2015 Polaris