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M 858 Alpha One Sno Pro 2025: My favourite Arctic Cat Snowmobile Ever Made

m 858 alpha one sno pro

Model year 2025 was a long awaited one for die-hard Arctic Cat fans. We got a taste of the Catalyst platform with the 600 cc engines and it was written in the sky that a more powerful one was to be announced the following year. Arctic Cat didn’t disappoint by delivering an exhaustive (and arguably confusing) mountain snowmobile lineup for 2025 deserved by two engines: the 600 cc and the new 858 cc. The question is now: which one’s my favourite for 2025? Spoiler alert: it’s the M 858 Alpha One Sno Pro.

The New 858 cc Engine

Last year when we were first introduced to the 600 cc in the new Catalyst platform, we discovered an extremely capable snowmobile with a noticeably smooth yet powerful (for its class) engine. The introduction of the 858 cc adds a mean big brother to this engine. As we were riding prototypes during the Snow Shoot, I can’t go too much in detail on my overall impressions as Arctic Cat was still tuning it. I can, however, say that it was powerful and had absolutely no issue getting the skis pointing at the sky. Especially in higher altitudes like in West Yellowstone, Montana, the more powerful 858 cc engine really adds that little bit of confidence that was lacking on the 600 cc.

m 585 alpha one sno pro

M, Sno Pro, Mountain Cat, Mountain Cat ATAC, how to make sense of it all?

You can read more by reading our Arctic Cat 2025 launch article, but the main differentiator of all the Arctic Cat mountain models is the shocks packages, the availability of the track lengths and different options that are only available on some models.

For me, the sweet spot was the Sno Pro. It gets a better shock package than the base model with the brand new AC5S. This package allows to pick from five positions on the front, but also on both rear suspensions. This is super convenient and allows for a pretty wide range of adjustments.

The Sno Pro doesn’t feature the G8 display, but to me it’s more a feature than a miss. I much prefer having a basic gauge so I can focus on the riding aspect and have a snowmobile that is more accessible financially.

Now the length. You know me: it’s going to be 146″.

I’m as predictable as it gets in terms of track lengths for mountain snowmobiles, I’m a sucker for 146″ sleds. That’s even more true for shallow winters like the one we got this season. To me, the 146″ version of the M 858 Alpha One Sno Pro is one that fits my riding style the most.

As much as the Catalyst mountain snowmobiles are fun, the 146″ 858 cc is like the crazy unleashed version of it. It’s wildly powerful, nimble and extremely predictable.

As stated above, my favourite variant is the Sno Pro as I found that the AC5S to be running the smoothest and offering the more precise riding. Equipped with the 2.6″ Power Claw track and the new 858 cc engine, it’s literally a wheelie machine.

A Few “Buts”

Of course, no snowmobile is perfect. Even if the Catalyst platform rides very smoothly, there are still a few quirks that don’t quite make it perfect. First of all, we noticed that the standard running boards are slippery, even with really good boots. I noticed that my foot “skipped” a few times when trail riding aggressively. It also did the same in neutral position when carving in the powder snow.

The other thing is around the instrumentation and the cockpit. It’s absolutely embarrassing that Arctic Cat ships such high-performer mountain snowmobiles with the current set of controls. Not only were they already bad in the old chassis, but they are absolutely not fit for backcountry riding. The haptic feedback on the controls is atrocious. And if you opt for the ATAC model of the Catalyst, you’re in for quite the nightmare to try and hit that centre button on the three position button.

To Conclude

Overall, the Catalyst M is a very competitive package, especially with the new 858 cc engine. It rides wonderfully, is predictable and makes me feel as if I can do anything with it. The 146″ track version of the M 858 Alpha One Sno Pro 2025 is a completely wild variant of it and is so fun to ride! It would definitely be my pick if I had to purchase a 2025 Arctic Cat snowmobile.

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