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KLIM’s Keweenaw Clothing Set: Perfect for Trail Use!

ensemble keweenaw

During the 2024 season, I’m sporting KLIM gear. My choice landed on the Keweenaw jacket and bib set. I took the time to assess the available options to make a selection based on my preferences and usage.

Recently, I was astonished to hear that a certain clothing brand, not to name names, didn’t offer adequate protection. My response was swift: “Have you checked the insulation level?” I quickly noticed the blank look in my conversation partner’s eyes. I realized there’s still education needed regarding snowmobile clothing. Our selection should be based on criteria that go beyond aesthetic appeal. It should primarily be founded on the purpose we intend to use it for. By considering the features of the clothing we desire, we can judge whether they align with our needs.

My Choice Based on a Very Specific Feature

To give you some context, I’m a trail snowmobiler. It’s simply what I prefer and it’s also a logical choice given the environment where I live. Consequently, my needs are less demanding than those of a backcountry snowmobiler. Therefore, I require good wind protection and effective insulation. That being said, being aware of this parameter, I’ve been able to narrow down my choice to KLIM models designed for my usage.

KLIM’s Keweenaw Jacket

For this season, my choice was the Keweenaw jacket. It’s not a novelty in itself. However, the one I’m wearing is in a newly available colour. Its name “Asphalt—Hi-Vis” translates to a predominant grey. It features some reflective strips, as well as a logo on the front that leaves no doubt about the manufacturer.

3 in 1… ish

KLIM describes their jacket as “specially designed to help you adapt to extreme conditions with 3-in-1 insulation.” I’d like to clarify this brief description. I was misled by the term “3-in-1”! Sometimes I feel like this term is too broadly used. In this case, I received a small, sleeveless removable fleece liner. It can be added to the main jacket via its zipper to increase its insulation coefficient. To be honest, I was expecting much more of a waterproof outer shell and an insulated inner jacket. That’s what I envision a 3-in-1 jacket to be.

This small removable liner is of no use to me, other than serving as everyday wear. Let me explain: the Keweenaw jacket is probably the warmest I’ve experienced since I started snowmobiling. Its design allows me to open the zippers for airflow because its insulation is more than adequate. Otherwise, it’s so airtight that it doesn’t let in even a hint of chill.

keweenaw jacket


Speaking of insulation, it has 200 g for both the sleeves and the body. If you’re familiar with this figure, you’ll agree that it’s more than sufficient. The jacket is windproof, yet at the same time, it’s so breathable that excess moisture quickly dissipates. And this is the case even with a hyperactive body furnace like mine.

The pockets are spacious enough to accommodate the things I usually bring on rides. The collar is just high enough to protect my neck without being bothersome to my helmet when I need to turn my head.

KLIM’s Keweenaw Bib

In the same vein, the Keweenaw bib essentially boasts the same qualities. It’s a perfect match!

“A snowmobile bib or another, it’s all the same,” you might say. You’re not entirely wrong. Nevertheless, when we focus on the materials, that’s where we see the big difference. Gore-Tex is used in the Keweenaw bib to ensure waterproofing while allowing moisture to escape. The 3M Thinsulate insulation, on the other hand, provides protection against heat loss.

kweenaw bib

Ultimately, the Keweenaw bib allows me to snowmobile without worrying about the temperature. It gives me all the freedom to enjoy the thousands of kilometres available to me.

In conclusion, if your main goal, like mine, is the ultimate protection against weather conditions and the most intense elements, you should check out KLIM’s high-end clothing. Likewise, if you’re an avid snowmobiler who racks up a lot of miles, or if you have a passion for flatland riding, they won’t let you down.

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