Three seasons with the WheelTracker
What are the advantages of using the WheelTracker hydraulic wheels system? Just think about loading
What are the advantages of using the WheelTracker hydraulic wheels system? Just think about loading
It is well known how very important it is to young people to be in fashion! However, since a few yea
We all know this feeling : to turn the key, to fasten our hemlet, to put our gloves on and to start
Houray!!!! A new toy!!! But I don’t have it yet… I’m waiting for it… It is understandable to see a 7
Again this year, in partnership for long-term trials of your web magazine, Arctic C
It’s in the last days that the great day finally arrived: the possession taking of the 2015 Polaris
As early as spring 2014, it was essential for Christian Barbeau, Polaris dealer from father to son i
Well, as an icebreaker, here is my first article about long-term trial. I am far from experiencing
I’ve had several opportunities for initial impressions of the 2015 AXYS models, but none were as spe
It’s a dream come true : at last, we take possession of our new 2015 Polaris 800 Switchback Pro-S m