Students compete to keep snowmobiles running clean
Nineteen universities will participate in a big competition next week on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Nineteen universities will participate in a big competition next week on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Continuing a tradition built on more than 55 years as the industry leader in snowmobile ride and han
The Coca-Cola Foundation has donated $10,000 on behalf of Coca-Cola of Hancock to support the SAE Cl
Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) announced today it is continuing a 28 year annual tradition of p
After a big year in 2010, with the arrival of the new H.O. 800 and a new mass production snocross mo
DRIFT Racing`s P.J. Wanderscheid maintained his dominant form last weekend at the Oval Racers Allian
Team Arctic racers got out the broom again this past weekend, methodically sweeping their classes ?
In 2011, BRP introduces a new line of 4-stroke ACE (Advanced Combustion Efficiency) engines. The fi
Things unfolded nicely with a Pro Open win for Team Monster Energy-Yamaha-OTSFF Racing’s Ian Hayden
For 2011, the Canadian manufacturer prepared for us a mass of novelties. From the engine to the cha