Better sledding expected this year
After last year’s mild winter and shortened snowmobiling season, sledders appear to be a lot more op
After last year’s mild winter and shortened snowmobiling season, sledders appear to be a lot more op
Each winter,those who follow the sport of snocross keep their eyes fixed on experienced, seasoned ve
Winter is almost here and it is time now to focus on the next snowmobile season. This year, I have
Polaris snocross racer Ross Martin (Judnick Motorsports) led the most laps in the two Pro finals and
Team Arctic racers devoured the traditional Thanksgiving feast at the Spirit National Snocross in Du
In the second article of our series on Murdochville, Denis Lavoie presents the different possibiliti
One of the two snowmobile organizations representing B.C. snowmobile clubs has announced a new fundi
Dave Phillips, senior climatologist for Environment Canada, says Ontario snowmobilers can look forwa
Again this year, Tourisme Lanaudière is ready to welcome winter and the thousands of snowmobilers wh
Our collaborator Jacques Turgeon tested the Baffin Magellan boots. They are designed for extreme col