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Jim’s 1st Ride on the New 2022 Polaris Matryx Khaos

Without having a lot of time on the new Matryx chassis and Khaos platform, I had high hopes for how it would perform in deep snow and backcountry terrain.  However, you never really know until you get the sled into those conditions.  My impression of the Khaos after the first deep day in the backcountry was……I think I’m in love.

The Sled and Options

  • 2022 Polaris 850 RMK Khaos Matryx Slash 155
  • Walker Evens Velocity Shocks
  • 3” Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2
  • Pro-Taper Low Handlebar
  • 7S Display with Ride Command Technology
Usually, it takes a few rides to get used to a new chassis and I’ve been riding a Ski-doo Summit for work and my personal sled for the last 4 years.  So, jumping on a Polaris is a big change for me, not to mention going straight to the very agile Khaos platform.  Even from the very first ride, I felt at home on this snowmobile.  The Khaos platform is a party machine, right out of the gate it wants to be playful, have fun and I appreciate that about it.  This sled wants to stand on end and wheelie, and it takes very little input to get on its edge and hold a sidehill.  Some would say the Khaos is a little on the wild side and I would agree with them.  With that said, the wildness of the Khaos is what I loved about it. It’s a mountain sled that wants to play and have fun.  That’s exactly why we snowmobile!  Playing and having fun is the reason we all go riding, so it’s important to me that the sleds I buy have that playful feel to them.

What was the biggest surprise about the Khaos?

The difference between the Pro RMK and the RMK Khaos really couldn’t be bigger.  The Pro RMK is a proven point and shoot platform for technical terrain with many Hillclimb championships to back up its design.  When you put it on edge it holds its line and usually goes right where you want it to.  It’s the “let’s get down to business” platform.
Before I rode the Khaos I was thinking it’s going to be a slightly more agile Pro RMK and it’s not.  It’s way more agile.  I think that’s what surprised me the most with the Khaos.  I would like to say one thing to the engineers at Polaris and that is: way to go!  Why create another platform that’s only slightly different than the one you have?  Well, they didn’t.  They took the same parts and modified them to create a totally different handling sled than the RMK Pro.  By doing this, Polaris has created a wide range and variety of handling characteristics for their customers and it’s always nice to have options when you’re picking a sled to buy.

Is the Matryx Khaos a Big Mountain Slayer?

The day I tested the Khaos was right after a big storm cycle with a lot of new snow, so the avalanche danger was elevated and at Considerable.  A Considerable danger level means human caused avalanches are likely in avalanche terrain. So, we stayed on low angle terrain (Less than 30 degrees) and away from steep slopes and runout zones.  When the snowpack gets more stable it will be time to let this big mountain slayer loose and see how it does with steep technical terrain. Stay tuned for the big mountain test session.
On the first ride with the Khaos, I had a blast and can’t wait to get back out on the snow with it.  Not only did it meet my expectations, but it also exceeded them.  I’m excited to get a full season with this sled because, like a good quality bourbon, I think it will get even better with time.
For some extra insight on how the 2021 Khaos with the Axys platform handles, check out the review from three of my friends and fellow test riders. The article is “Three opinions on the Khaos” with views from Oliver Fortin, Oliver Bernier and Cyndi Martin. You can also read my article on my first impression of the Khaos. 
Tourisme La Tuque

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