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CKX Contact Helmet Review: The Investigation is on!

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For several years now, CKX has been standing out from the competition with the design of innovative helmets. We can confidently mention the Titan and Mission models to demonstrate how CKX is breaking new ground. However, despite being introduced just last year, it’s only this season that the CKX Contact Edge full-face helmet has become part of my gear.

Okay, I can hear you saying, “Pat, you’re a year late!” You’re not wrong, and that’s why I’ve decided to catch up. I’ve heard several good comments and some… not-so-good ones. Therefore, I’ve made the decision to form my own opinion.

A Highly Enticing Price!

The retail price of the CKX Contact helmet starts at just $299.99. Well, there must be a catch! It can’t be complete at that price!

It’s practically impossible to find a quality helmet these days, with a heated visor, at such a low price. I’ve challenged myself to uncover what lies behind this mystery. Count on me, I’ll shed light on this story!

My chosen model: the CKX Contact Edge full-face helmet.

I opted for a model with a few embellishments rather than the basic black one. The “Edge” version has a matte finish and discreet, modern graphics. So far, I’m impressed by the overall presentation, which leaves no room for imperfections. This aspect is a 100% success, and this helmet has nothing to envy any others on the market.

I quickly checked the chin guard and its claim to adhere well with its Velcro strap. It’s worth noting that this was a flaw raised with the first models delivered last year. Once again, this aspect of the CKX Contact helmet has passed the test with flying colours despite my repeated trials. The grip is perfect. So, I’m led to believe that the designers have made the necessary corrections for the second year of production.

I Wanted to do Things my Own Way…

Sometimes, I can be stubborn, and it seemed reasonable to believe that all helmets are very similar. I tried every possible way to remove the heated visor, to no avail. I thought to myself, “Well, it shouldn’t take a genius to remove a visor from a helmet!” My pride took a hit, believe me.

However, as soon as I used the provided QR code, leading me to the instructions, I quickly deciphered its operation, which turned out to be… simple. I just need to lift the visor completely upwards. Then, using my thumbs and applying slight outward force, the visor comes off easily. Installing it afterward is just as easy.

In doing some research, I learned that CKX has a pending patent for this simplified ratchet mechanism that allows for tool-free visor removal.

Well, that’s all well and good, but I haven’t yet identified any downsides to this helmet!

Ah, Finally, my Perseverance Pays Off! Or does it?

After searching high and low, I’ve finally found a flaw in the Contact helmet. Aha! CKX, I’ve just put my finger on the sore spot… or so I thought.

I once read a comment on a Facebook post referring to the attachment system. This remark mentioned the length of the nylon retention tab. I focused on it, thinking I had uncovered the catch.

Well, my observation is as follows: it’s true that the tab is slightly short, but after making adjustments according to my morphology, I’m very comfortable.

Additionally, I’m an admirer of CKX’s ProClip jugular attachment system. Its efficiency commands my utmost respect, especially when I have to wear a helmet from another brand. The only drawback I could mention is that I have difficulty accessing it with my gloves on. I must do it barehanded.

Yeah, the Columbo in me is about to put away his detective hat if I can’t solve the mystery of this helmet.

The Ultimate Trail Test

The final test of the CKX Contact helmet was, of course, on the trail. Will it have all the features to pass the test?

My first observation concerns its wide peripheral vision. This is a safety aspect not to be overlooked when I need to quickly check my blind spots for a rapid read of my surroundings. This is one of the areas where CKX helmets shine. Just think of the Titan helmet’s 210 lenses, which offer an expanded field of vision.

ckx contact helmet

In addition to its wide field of vision, the CKX Contact helmet’s visor opens easily to facilitate conversation. This large opening also allows for a quick breath of fresh air after vigorous riding. This is something I pay a lot of attention to because I sometimes suffer from claustrophobia, and I appreciate the option of having this oversized opening at the front.

However, I’ve noticed, during my rides, the accumulation of condensation at the base of the visor. This water flows like a waterfall when I raise the visor after extended use. It was surprising the first time, but it has become a more trivial occurrence over time.

Final Investigation Report

In conclusion, I must face the facts. I have not been able to unravel the mystery behind the CKX Contact helmet. Perhaps it is not perfect in every aspect after all. However, it will undoubtedly suit most snowmobilers. The CKX Contact Edge full-face helmet ultimately passes the test!

Further your Reading

Polaris Snowmobile

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