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Arctic Cat 2025 Novelties: High-Speed Upgrades!

There is always a time in the year when snowmobile manufacturers are more active than usual. Normally, this period is between mid-February and mid-March. Nevertheless, Arctic Cat seems to want to break this practice. As a result, the new Arctic Cat 2025 snowmobiles are now available for disclosure even earlier than usual.

Whether you are a fan of the manufacturer of Thief River Falls, MN, or not, you are aware that there is a very current craze. This enthusiasm is not unrelated to the arrival of the new Catalyst chassis. This new platform is largely inspired by an already well-known pyramid configuration. However, the Catalyst designers used ingenuity to take the concept to the next level.

For more information on the Catalyst chassis, read this article.

The Perfect Unveiling Venue: Hay Days.

The manufacturer seems to have adopted the Hay Days event in Minnesota for its major unveiling. We, at Sledmagazine.com, have been privileged guests in the previous two editions. This meeting for all snowmobilers highlighted the Catalyst chassis in September 2022. Last year, the new 858 cc two-stroke C-TEC2 series engine was unveiled.

Complementing the narrow, compact, and balanced Catalyst platform, the 858 develops 177 HP. This new engine is even lighter, with a lower centre of gravity and a better weight/power ratio for a unique ride. In addition to being 4% lighter, the 858 engine provides 11% more power and torque compared to the previous C-TEC2 800 engine.

Features include an integrated air intake system, patented exhaust valve design and improved fuel system controls. In addition, it offers a power/weight ratio that should surprise more than one.

Left, C-TEC2 600cc engine | Right, new C-TEC2 858cc engine

A Choice of Suspension Depending on the Model

In addition to the new engine options, the Catalyst ZR and RIOT models are available in three different suspension packages: IFP, Sno Pro with new AC5S shock absorbers, and ATAC. The Catalyst ZR R-XC continues to have black anodized FOX QS3R/QS3/QS3R shock absorbers.

A New Digital Dial, Finally!

Personally, I begged the high authorities to present us a new digital dial. Are you of the same opinion that we were more than due for a change? And now my wish is granted! For 2025, in association with Garmin, some Arctic Cat snowmobiles will be entitled to a display that can rival with its competitors. Let’s be honest, Ski-Doo and Polaris were one step ahead on this front. Arctic Cat needed to get on board before it was too late.

new digital dial on arctic cat 2025 models

Taking advantage of their existing relationship with Garmin, the leader in GPS, Arctic Cat offers us an integrated display at the cutting edge of the industry. However, rest assured, the 5.5-inch Garmin Tread continues to be offered as an accessory and is compatible with the key features of the Arctic Cat G8 display.

The main menu allows simple navigation between the map, general vehicle information, media, and phone applications.

Featuring a glove-compatible touchscreen, the Arctic Cat G8 and Tread are designed to be easily visible at any time of day or night. The Arctic Cat G8 offers step-by-step navigation for unpaved roads and trails and features preloaded topographic and road maps of North America.

new gps function on arctic cat 2025 models, in collaboration with garmin

The Arctic Cat G8 includes high-resolution BirdsEye satellite images, which can be downloaded directly with Wi-Fi. This feature makes it the ideal device for your next trip. This feature is also included on the Garmin tread.

The Group Ride function works well without cellular coverage. Users can use the built-in Group Ride radio to view, text and track up to 20 drivers/snowmobiles.

These are just a few of the features offered by the new G8 integrated display in some Arctic Cat 2025 snowmobiles. We will certainly be able to give you a more complete report when we have tested it.

A Redesign Has Been Made

For the older non-Catalyst models, Arctic Cat has reclassified the Blast intermediate snowmobiles to fit their respective trail, utility, and crossover segments. That is to say that the name Blast, known for a 7/8 snowmobile, will be something of the past, except for the name of this chassis.

In the range of snowmobiles offered for 2025, Blast models are now integrated into each category in entry-level vehicles. We now find them in their respective family classifications based on driving style. These are now known as ZR 400, Norseman 400, RIOT 400 and RIOT 400 Touring.

Four-Stroke Engine Powered Models Are Back!

We can count on the return of snowmobiles equipped with the C-TEC4, which remain virtually unchanged for 2025. For four-stroke enthusiasts, Arctic Cat will continue to offer the famous 7000 and 9000 engines in their current chassis. Why change a winning formula?

This includes the fastest original snowmobile, the ZR 9000 Thundercat EPS. In addition, the Riot 9000 EPS, a four-stroke turbo crossover, and the ZR 9000 RR EPS will be available for performance enthusiasts.

Reintroduced in 2024, the Pantera offers the possibility of snowmobiling accompanied by a passenger.

Young People Are Not Left Behind

Children can continue to enjoy the ZR 120 and ZR 200 youth models. The latter is certified for trails. These snowmobiles offer them the opportunity to indulge and become familiar with the activity under supervision.

Achild on an Arctic Cat 2025 ZR 200

In conclusion, there is no doubt that Arctic Cat is taking everyone aback in the industry right now. The manufacturer, who was once seen as lagging behind Ski-Doo and Polaris, surprises us with what it presents and opens the door to a beautiful future. Now, when can we expect a four-stroke engine from Arctic Cat? Maybe at the next Hay Days in September, who knows!

Tourisme La Tuque

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