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The point of our long term trial articles is not to republish specifications that are already widely and easily available. The point has always been to experience, highlight and share the feelings and sensations that we get from the snowmobiles that we are allowed to highlight to our thousands of readers each winter. We are not writers, we are snowmobilers.


At this stage of our season, the 2018 Polaris Switchback 800 XCR has been much more than rugged reinforcements and bold stickers. On each ride, we continue to experience and enjoy the intended capabilities of this race ready ride.


An XCR in Red or Black, which do you prefer?

While the XCR is race ready, that is not how we use it. Outfitted with a full complement of Polaris’ Lock & Ride storage and travel accessories, we use the XCR as a daily driver and have packed it full for our long distance travels throughout the Northeastern US and Canada.

While we are on the subject of travel storage options for premium snowmobiles, we offer the following photos without any additional commentary necessary.


Have some self respect and don’t be THIS snowmobiler!


Spend the money, get the right stuff and be THIS snowmobiler!

For this installment of our 2018 long term trial, allow us to depart from technical specifications and offer you the emotion and a mental image of our 2018 XCR trial.

Have you ever been comfortably riding along and easily reeled in another snowmobile that was previously an out of site distance ahead of you on the trail?  If you have, this may sound familiar.

At first you see the slight hint of a little snow dust, then maybe a little whiff of a less than high efficiency 2 stroke engine. Soon you catch a glimpse of a taillight cresting a hill or rounding a curve in the now not so far off distance. In each turn and over each hill you get closer.

You begin to notice the tracks left in the trail and can see that your lines in the turns are much more efficient and direct. When you see that their tracks push out in the right turns, you give a little more input to your handle bars, your sled responds and you make your turn tighter. In the left hand turns you notice that they don’t seem to be totally enter the turn on their side, again you make your turns better and safer.


It’s definitely not a race and it wasn’t your intention, but now you are making the same turns at the same time. It becomes clear that you are getting a ride and experiencing a level of control that significantly exceeds what you are witnessing from the rider and sled ahead of you. You watch how they make the turns and handle the bumps and it seems like they are riding a totally different trail than you are.

Soon they are holding you up and you begin looking for a safe place to overtake the rolling road block that you have easily and unintentionally encountered.

They see you in their mirror and pick up the pace. When they begin to go a little faster, you notice a lot of inside ski lift on the sled that is now right in front of you. Their turns don’t get any better and they look less comfortable and confident than they did before.  You see more ski lift and occasional brake light, while you stay flat and steady at the controls.

Up ahead you see a bigger bump coming . When they hit it you think to yourself “oooooh that was harsh” as you smile, stay confidently on the throttle and drive on through without any issue.

The bumps and turns are beginning to make them look a little like a rag doll tied to handlebars and not a willing participant or partner in what their sled is doing.

You would like to believe it’s your superior riding skills that have led to this whole situation and all of your observations. But realistically in most cases, if you are being honest with yourself, it doesn’t look like the riders fault. It really looks more like the sled is the problem.

As you safely pass, you are surprised at how effortlessly you motor away. The next turns get sharper and the bumps get bigger and you pull away even faster than you caught up to them. You see their light getting further and further behind you and then it’s over……………YOU’RE GONE! 

Do you ever wonder what they are thinking as they watch you pulling away? I do! I imagine that they are thinking “ I wish that I was riding that sled , getting that kind of ride and having that much control”.  I always find myself making a little extra effort to make it look like I’m riding on a cloud with no effort at all.


No crazy or risky riding, just a way better sled that makes you look and feel like a Pro. That’s how the XCR model makes us feel each time we hit the snow. We always feel like we are riding something very special and that the rider and the XCR are working as one.

I hope that you have shared and can relate to this experience. If you have, it is likely that you are also riding and enjoying the capabilities of a premium snowmobile. If you have not had this “totally fulfilling” sensation, maybe it’s time to look into a new ride for next season. Polaris’ Industry leading Exclusive models and customization SNOW CHECK program is a great place to start.

 The XCR is way more than just some tough stickers and special parts.


True high performance vehicles are always more than just a look and special pieces parts. The highest performing vehicles are always those with the correct combination and calibration of those performance parts. The XCR is definitely in this category.

As we approach the final stages of our 2018 season, we hope that you get the picture of the smiles and miles that Polaris’ XCR continues to bring us.  Miles and smiles, that’s always what our sport is about, it’s definitely what the 2018 SledMagazine.com XCR has been all about.

Polaris Snowmobile

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