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Survey : 55 % of snowmobilers ride less than 4 years old snowmobiles

This is, at least, the result of the survey that took place on SledMagazine.com during the last two weeks.  Effectively, 16 % among the 764 respondants will ride 2015 snowmobiles, 17 % will ride 2014 models, 11 % will ride 2013 snowmobiles and 11 % will ride 2012 models.

This should satisfy the manufacturers and dealers as we can see that there is a high turnover rate of snowmobiles that are younger than 4 years old.  In general, buyers of new snowmobiles keep their machine for a period of 2 or 3 years and then, they change it for a current year model.

What makes people change their snowmobile so often ?  This is a good question…  Is it to always own a machine under guarantee or is it to own a snowmobile equipped with the latest technologies ?  Probably a mix of both !

Anyway, when we ride on trails or off trail, it is easy to see that the ratio of the latest models is quite high.  The results of our survey confirm this observation.

The 2008-2011 models represent 25 % of the snowmobiles that we will see on trails or in powder snow next season.  In summary, to date, 80 % (25 % + 55 %) of the snowmobiles are 7 years old and less.  So, 20 % of snowmobiles would be 8 years old and more.

This leads us to the question :  «Where do the older snowmobiles go ?»  A snowmobile that receives the appropriate maintenance has a useful life of more than 6, 7 or 8 years… In general, actual snowmobiles are more reliable than those on the market 12 or 15 years ago; so, they should be among the snowmobile fleet much longer.

One possibility is that they are sent out of the country… Indeed, after some research, it seems that some companies buy and export used snowmobiles to Russia, for example.  Is it a minor trend ?  Hard to say at this time.

Due to the record sales of last year for the 2014 models and due to the spring sales for the 2015 models, we can expect that the ratio of 5 years old snowmobiles and less will remain high during the next years.  We can feel the industry and the snowmobilers’ enthusiasm following the outstanding last season.  If we have an early and snowy beginning of season, sales should remain at an interesting level during the next months.

Current survey
After surveying the snowmobilers about the age of their sled, we are now conducting a survey on the track length of their machines. 

You are invited to be part of our survey found on every page of SledMagazine.com .

We hope you will participate in large numbers !

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