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Sûreté du Québec (SQ) snowmobile police officers permanently present on the FCMQ trails

Since a few years, we notice the more regular presence of municipal and provincial police officers. 

These police officers ensure constant surveillance by riding on trails with police snowmobiles and at road crossings, with unmarked cars.

We need their participation because these days, only officers with sanctioning functions can keep our society in order.

The different motorized sport organizations are in the same situation.

Many of these police officers are also snowmobilers in their personal life. They are well aware of the general behavior of these motorized sport fans!

The Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec, with hundreds of volunteer trail wardens, receives the support of permanent police officers on snowmobile.

This help is necessary to increase the safety of all snowmobilers in many issues.

Speeding, impaired driving, snowmobile theft and fencing are problems that make us nervous when we go snowmobiling. And these problems are not specific to snowmobiling.

Watch this video of a professional and respectful interception with no special  treatment for anyone.

Any snowmobiler may be intercepted and must answer to the requests expressed by the FCMQ trail wardens and by the police officers.

Polaris Snowmobile

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