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Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. Program Funds Club Projects

Just before the start of a new season, Ski-Doo, a BRP brand, is pleased to announce that in two years it has funded CDN$881,000 in more than 175 projects to support the sport of snowmobiling across North America through the Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. (Protect, Access, Support, Sustain) sponsorship program.

Ski-Doo P.A.S.S. Program

Ski-Doo works with its incredible dealer network to fund these passionate volunteer organizations. The program awards up to $5,000 to community projects by associations and clubs involved in various sports support activities. The projects selected for funding allow hundreds of thousands of snowmobilers to continue to enjoy the trails and backcountry trails across North America, from Quebec to Alaska.


“By partnering with our exceptional dealer network, Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. said Anne-Marie LaBerge, director of marketing at BRP. LaBerge added, “Helping these passionate organizations continue their efforts to improve trails and infrastructure for all North American snowmobilers is a testament to our commitment to providing all responsible sledders with positive experiences.

Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. Program Funds Club Projects

EZ Riders said: “With this grant, we will be able to continue our chalet project, allowing us to store our equipment and have a safe place to hold meetings and classes and make ourselves home. Ski-Doo invites all ski-doo enthusiasts to watch and share this video to celebrate and thank the clubs’ efforts.”

Visit Ski-Doo. com and Ski-Doo social media for updates on the progress of the P.A. S. S. during the 2022-23 snowmobile season.

The third year of the Ski-Doo Snow P. A. S. S. will again be open to organizations submitting their projects for funding in the summer of 2023.

Learn more about the Ski-Doo P.A.S.S: Program:

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