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Ride safe on the trails urge police

The OPP and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs are tag-teaming this week to begin the new year with Snowmobile Safety Week.

The recent snowfalls, starting with last month’s post-Christmas blizzard, have guaranteed an enjoyable winter for snowmobilers but it also means the risk of accidents or other mishaps during snowmobile outings is also increased.

The OPP S.A.V.E. unit for Eastern Ontario, which focuses on snowmobiles, ATVs, and boats, urges snowmobilers to ride safe, avoid drinking alcohol while on the trails, and follow basic safety procedures like letting someone at home know when they expect to return home and, if they are late getting back, what area they should be in if a search is necessary.

Snowmobile Safety Week runs from Jan. 13 to 19 in Ontario.

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