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Mid-Season Review Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023

Before starting, I would like to thank Maniwaki Equipment for their continuous support with the loan of this snowmobile.  I have the great pleasure and privilege to present you the chronicle of my tests of the last weeks on the web magazine SledMagazine.ca of the Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023.

I have reached 2,200 km of trail riding and a few kilometres off trail. So, without further ado, here are my impressions of this snowmobile, in terms of comfort, power, chassis, style, stability, accessories and finally ergonomics.


My first impression was instantaneous, the designers gave it a great look with its black and yellow color.  What caught my attention were all the high-quality materials used in the design of this snowmobile.  After a few kilometres of trail riding, I was really excited and satisfied with the performance and stability that this snowmobile offers.

Brief analysis since the beginning of my season.


The Enduro model is offered with a choice of 5 engines, my choice was the 900 ACE turboR with the 180 HP engine.   I had the option of riding in Eco, Standard or Sport mode.  The standard mode, provided a good acceleration power without more, however by setting it to sport mode I had the impression to have changed snowmobile.

I’m not a speed freak, but I do like to have the possibility to accelerate with power, especially when negotiating curves, this engine met my expectations.

With the return of the cable for the gas pedal, is really a plus for the driver, because in sport mode the gas pedal is less nervous and more flexible.

As for the noise, it is almost non-existent inside the helmet.  I noticed an immediate difference with last year’s 2-stroke model.


Its weight of 556 lbs/252 kg brings great stability, very appreciated for negotiating curves.  So, by adding the pilot x ski coupled with the powerful engine, this snowmobile responded easily to my commands.


I quickly noticed the high quality of the suspensions, the RAS X in front and the rMotion X in the back without forgetting the front and central HPG shocks.  Finally, the coup de grace was the installation of the rear ACS shock absorber (controlled air suspension).  The comfort was obviously there.

What is interesting about the automatic suspension controlled from our control position, the driver can set the suspension level in 5 different modes.  This makes a big difference when driving on rougher trails.  During my rides, from my riding position, I was able to adjust my suspension easily depending on the quality of the trail throughout my ride.


This is a 7.8″ wide color LCD display with BRP connect the dial is divided into two sections.  On the left side, we have a wide range of information, such as the gasoline, the engine temperature, the suspension level, the degree of hand and thumb heating, and the number of daily kilometers. To have access to the information, a wheel on the left side allows the driving position to have easy access to this information.

On the right side, you can find the information for BRP GO, music and cellular for a statistical connection of mileage.  However, I need to go deeper into these options before I can give you my comments in the final review.

Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023


There are several accessories on this snowmobile.  From the handlebars, the rider has access to the hand and thumb warmer controls, can answer the phone, and choose the music. It is important to specify that to have access to these functions you must have a communication device in your helmet.  The control for the heated seat with two intensities and an electric plug for the heated visor.

Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023

Accessing the controls to make various changes was very easy and convenient.

I really appreciated the 4-litre heated trunk in the front and the 7-litre storage space on the rear seat. Finally, the windshield can be adjusted according to the temperature.

Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023


Equipped with an ice riper XT 137 X 15 X 1.25 in. track with studs as standard, really more stable on hard trails.


The wide seat is very comfortable, being cold I could heat my seat on two intensity modes.

In conclusion, the Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE Turbo R 2023 snowmobile offers a remarkable performance.  Since the beginning of the season, I have really enjoyed testing it.  However, I still have many miles to go on the trails to give you the final report.

Have a safe end of the season, and always be very careful on your rides.

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