Hello dear readers.
This morning, I was eager to visit the BRP dealer in Mont-Laurier, F. Constantineau & Fils, and to come into possession of the new snowmobile I am going to ride in the frame of long-term trials this season. While I was waiting, I read about the features offered by the machine and it comforted me in my choice of last spring.
Enough dreaming, it is time for the real thing.
First impression
Mr Yves Constantineau, the owner, and I were going towards the shop when I saw the black Renegade Backcountry X and its new REV-XS chassis. It shows a modern aggressive look, extended shape with the 137 in. track and rounded side panels.

Looking around
Then, I took a closer look at the features and the size of this track that performs on trail as well as off trail.

After a while, I sat on the snowmobile and started up the engine. The 600 E-TEC H.O. produces low humming and almost no polluting fume or odor.
Rider’s position
Due to the seat and the rounded side panels, an advanced riding position is more comfortable. It should provide a more aggressive riding.

I replaced the 10 in. windshield by a 13 in. for better protection in extreme cold temperatures. I agree, this reduces the race style of the machine; but the striking look is still there.
The Renegade Backcountry X is equipped with all the proven-technology suspension for our most pleasant rides. I know what I am talking about because last season, the 4-stroke 1200 cc MX Z that I was riding was equipped with the same suspension, except for the shorter track. So, I think I will be able to see a difference during the next weeks.

Those are my first impressions. It seems like I am going back in time this season with a 2-stroke engine, except that this it not the old polluting 2-stroke engine. No, we are talking here about the new direct injection technology. Do not think I am not eco-aware anymore; I did some research and I can tell you that the engine respects the industry standards.

One thing is funny here; even if I discovered many features today, I keep some to myself until my next long-term trial report. I hope that now you want to know more about the Renegade Backcountry X and that you will follow my articles all season long on SledMagazine.com. Your comments are more than welcomed. For example, last October, during the Québec City Motorized Recreational Sports Show, I was present at the SledMagazine.com stand. A snowmobiler fan came to me and said that this season he chose his new machine after reading SledMagazine.com long-term and short-term trial reports. This is the kind of comment that motivates us to continue our trial reports.
The snowmobilers’ voice wishes you a great and safe season !