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Discover the Upper Laurentians

Discover the Upper Laurentians 

My departure for the discovery of the Upper Laurentians is the city of Mont-Laurier, recognized in Quebec and outside the province as a snowmobile destination. This city gives snowmobilers the opportunity to stay in high-quality hotels. I spent the night at the Quality Inn, a place well known to snowmobilers, which used to be called the Senator’s hotel.

I notice that they have trail maps and other information to help us plan our snowmobile trip. Receptionists are well informed of the location of the trails and even suggest some destinations. From the hotel, we have direct access to the trails. Also, people wishing to rent a snowmobile from F. Constantineau et fils will also be able to do so.

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For more information: https://qualityinn-ml.ca/ or https://www.fconstantineau.com/

The Discovery of Hotels

We noticed this morning that a few centimeters of snow felt. We left in this beautiful snow, directly from the hotel parking lot.

After a few minutes on the sidewalk, we arrive in the trail. Our goal for today is to discover accommodations. The first stop is at the Mekoos; then we spend the night at Rabaska Lodge. The trail goes around the city and finally reaches the P’tit Train du Nord trail. The trail was freshly groomed. Thank you to Club Les Sultans and Club Antiloup. 

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We drive on an old railway track, the driving is smooth, and we follow several rivers, the view, and the panorama is breathtaking. We arrive in the small village of Val-Barrette, an inviting place with meal service and gas along the trail. We cross the village, and after a few kilometers, we arrive at a crossroads where the signs are very present. We can see on the sign indicating our destination for dinner, the Mekoos. 

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The trail along the side of the Kiamika reservoir

When we started on the trails of the Club de Motoneige l’Aiglon, we drove along the side of the Kiamika reservoir. The sun was there, and it was above the ice-covered lake. The sun was shining through the branches of trees along the trail that lets us see the forest in all its beauty. 

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After a few kilometers on a well-groomed and wide trail, we reach our first destination. The reception chalet is made of wood and has glass on its entire facade. Inside, there is a massive fireplace with a fire to warm us up and for a well-deserved rest.

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Découvrir les hautes Laurentides en motoneige - motoneigistes

We met Sébastien and Bobby Dumoulin, the two owners of this family business. They told me that snowmobiling is a significant activity, but it requires a lot of energy and time in the winter. They are very busy, both for meals and overnight stays. Also, many groups of Europeans come for a week to go snowmobiling on trails or off the trail; there are even dog sleds.


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The hilly and winding trail

We take the trail again, and I notice that it is hillier and has many curves. It is narrower in a few places, but it is not dangerous, the trail is enjoyable. Once we reach the village of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac where we refuel, we go for the last part of our trip. A dense and sometimes hilly forest made our way to Rabaska Lodge on the side of the Baskatong Reservoir. What a beautiful landscape when we arrived, I take some pictures to keep a memory of the setting sun on the horizon!

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Wooden chalet

We settled in our cottage located on the tip of the reservoir. What a beautiful view! The typical wooden chalet provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Before dinner, I took a spa that was in front of the cottage. It was heaven. 

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Snowmobile destination

During dinner, I spoke with the two owners, Martin Gamache and his wife Dominique Coquel, who mention that most of their snowmobile clientele comes around the end of January and decreases around mid-March. They have people from all over Quebec, Ontario, the United States, and Europe visiting the facility to go off-trail snowmobiling on the Baskatong Reservoir. Martin himself guides Europeans off-trail, it’s his little hobby.

Next week, the end of my journey.


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