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Beginning your snowmobile season… in November !

I think that our snowmobile season is too short, as most of snowmobilers do.  Most of them accept this reality, but a small number of them resist and extend their season by many weeks each year.  Today, I publicize my coming out :  I am among these ones.

I have the chance to live close to one of the regions that receive the heaviest snowfalls, the Gaspésie.  As early as late October, I keep a close look at the weather forecasts to find out where I will be able to inaugurate my snowmobile season and sometimes, Mother Nature offers me nice surprises.  This is just what happened on last November 2nd as the eastern part of Gaspésie has been affected by a snowstorm that brought about 30 cm of snow on mountainous terrain.

Winter decor at the beginning of November
Winter decor at the beginning of November

After many phone calls and Facebook messages, I found the proper place for my first ride and most of all, I found riding companions who know the area perfectly.  Effectively, in this kind of pre-season adventure, it is important to take precautions if you do not want to make the news.  You must also make sure that riding is allowed in the area you are going to visit.

In Marsoui, east of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, I meet Jonathan and David from Aventure Chic-Chocs, my guides for the day.  Jonathan had gone for a short ride the day before to check out the snow conditions and he saw that there was plenty of snow to ride on.  The first part is covered only by 10 to 15 cm of snow, so it is very important to look out for rocks or other obstacles that could be hidden by snow.  Fortunately, after only 1 kilometre, there is about 30 cm of wet compact snow that makes a perfect surface for our snowmobiles.  A few minutes later, we are riding in 45 to 60 cm of powder snow and believe me, we are smiling!  We must still be careful because due to snow and strong winds, a few trees have fallen on the logging roads we are riding on.  There are also streams here and there that cross the trail and that could surprise too reckless pilots.

As we keep on climbing, I discover many spots with superb viewpoints, a delight for the eyes.  I fully enjoy the beauty of this great region and I realize the chance we have to experience such a nice snowmobile ride.

Enchanting landscape in Gaspésie
Enchanting landscape in Gaspésie

Around 3 p.m., we must already head back.  The sun is quickly going down while the moon winks at us.   This is how our first snowmobile ride ends.  Magnificent snowy landscapes come back to my mind as I ride back home.  What a great day !

The moon winks at us on our way back
The moon winks at us on our way back

Special thanks to Jonathan and David from Aventure Chic-Chocs who made me discover their paradise !

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