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The Trail Blizzer for front suspension

The snowmobile accessories manufacturer Qualipièces offers a wide variety of products. Just think of Rollerski, Cobra carbide runners, Top-Gold double runners or Trail Blizzer ice scratchers.

Qualipièces continues to improve its line of products and this season, a new accessory is being added to the existing line: the Trail Blizzer for front suspension.

The Trail Blizzer for front suspension - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

Many snowmobilers have ice scratchers installed on their snowmobiles. Almost all models on the market are attached to the rear suspension rails. The problem is often finding the right place to attach it so that it doesn't get in the way of the suspension's work, while allowing the scratchers to do their job properly.

The Trail Blizzer for front suspension - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

Opting for a set of scrapers that are installed on the front suspension becomes a very interesting alternative. Simply install the bushings on the front suspension bars and you're done. No need to drill holes…

By positioning the scratchers in front of the suspension, snow or ice dust will have an easier time getting into the suspension maximizing slide lubrication and engine cooling.

The Trail Blizzer for front suspension - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

Qualipièces has also opted for straight ends instead of curved ends. This prevents the scrapers from trying to grip when crossing a bridge or a railway for example.

The SledMagazine.com team will try it out this season.

The Trail Blizzer for front suspension - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

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