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TekVest : safety without compromise on comfort

Since I started snowmobiling, I came gradually aware of the inherent dangers of our sport.  I do not wish to present snowmobiling as more dangerous than it really is, but one of the main risks when a collision occurs is still the upper body hitting the handlebar.

This is often underestimated and it may cause important injuries.  Think about the steering wheel of a car; it caused so many major injuries that now, every car is equipped with airbags.  So, this is a real fact that must be considered seriously by snowmobilers.  Until their machines get equipped with an airbag, snowmobilers should wear a TekVest even on trails. 
TekVest Sport Model of TechRiders
I hear you saying : «I do not ride off-trail» or «I feel stuck in this kind of robot gear».  In response, I propose the TekVest sport model manufactured by TechRider.  Super light and adjusted to your body, this custom protection fits perfectly inside your snowmobile jacket and soon, you forget that you are wearing it.  The vest protects your chest as well as your ribs, back and shoulders.  The old days are over when you had to wear it outside your jacket because of its large size.

Back TekVest
 I still see off-trail fans who do not wear a TekVest and I find it just insouciant.  Even if a safe riding on trails does not seem so risky, we cannot always avoid collisions.  A protection vest can prevent serious injuries and the TekVest will soon be as important as your helmet.
If you still think that I am exaggerating, just remember the time when nobody was fastening their seatbelt in their car… Today, what do you think about car drivers who do not buckle up?  For more informations, please visit the web site TekVest.com.


Polaris Snowmobile

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