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The Monts-Valin are famous among snowmobilers for their snow conditions and the warm welcome received at the relays.  Your web magazine SledMagazine.com wanted to know if it was true, so Jacques Turgeon and Maurice Fecteau were offered to ride in Monts-Valin.  Here is the report of their 5-day trip.

Day 1 – Lévis – Monts-Valin
Most snowmobilers think that touring means getting on a snowmobile and riding on FCMQ  trails all over the Province of Québec.  On this January 19, 2014, the temperature of -5 °C is comfortable when we leave from Lévis by car towards Saguenay.  Our journey begins at Jalobert Lake, at the Auberge du km 31 in the Monts-Valin.  It is the perfect place to start our adventure since there is plenty of snow here.  We say hello to our hosts and ride about 57 km before enjoying the auberge.   

Auberge du km 31

As soon as we arrive, we discover the Auberge du km 31 located on a hill; this makes it majestic.  Inside, we receive a very warm welcome from Mrs Lyna Morin, the manager, and her team.  She gives us all the informations about our rooms, amenities, time of meals, where to park our vehicle behind the Auberge and where to get gas.  We enjoyed our rooms furnished with quality elements and above all, with very comfortable beds and we appreciated the excellent meal.  What more could you ask for ?

Day 2 – Monts-Valin – Tadoussac

On Monday, January 20, 2014, it is -31 °C on the thermometer, with sunshine and wind.  Almost 10 cm of snow has fallen during the night.  We are like children, absolutely amazed by these outstanding conditions and the scenery in the Monts-Valin.

We leave for the Club de chasse & pêche Tadoussac, via trails Trans-Québec No 93 and No 3 W.  On our way, the landscape changes completely to tons of snow and white ghosts.  We are totally charmed by this splendor and by the quality of the 5 m wide trails, about 40 km from the start.  

We ride along the Six Milles Lake, then we turn right to the top of Monts Sainte-Marguerite, with an elevation of 910 m.  All along, the Bras des Murailles River runs and then, it runs into the Sainte-Marguerite River.  

Club de chasse & pêche Tadoussac
Club de chasse & pêche Tadoussac

We climb on the summit with our snowmobiles and we discover a passage that goes along a very deep and abrupt place.  We feel like being higher than clouds

Back on trail No 93, we head for the Zec Chauvin, where was the first canadian trading post.  Despite the less abundant snow on ground, trails are properly maintained by the Club de motoneige du Fjord et Charlevoix.  After 60 km, we arrive in Sacré-Coeur where  we take trail  No 3 W.  We ride about 10 km and we arrive at the Auberge La Tanière operated by Mrs Johanne Claisse and Mr Guy Daigneault who welcome us cheerfully.

Club de chasse & pêche Tadoussac

The inn is located close to Route 138 and besides the quality rooms, there is a restaurant open all year round.  The property includes 9 cottages that can accommodate 2 to 15 persons.  They all have electricity and are equipped with refrigerator, stove, shower and toilet, of course.  The new inn now includes a fully licensed dining room, a living room and a bar.  We had a joyful conversation with the owners over a delicious meal.

Distance day 2 :  211 km

Day 3 – Tadoussac – Monts-Valin

This is Tuesday January 21, 2014.  After a good night sleep, the owner Guy comes to our cottage :  "This morning, Boys, it is -35 °C and very windy. "  We take a full breakfast at the inn to get all the energy needed for this cold day ride.  Before we leave, Guy proudly gives us a tour of their beautiful property.  Now that we stayed here, we can confirm that snowmobilers receive a warm welcome at the Auberge La Tanière, 45 Road 138, Tadoussac G0T 1Y0.  Phone number 418-235-4523,

Around 10 a.m., we take trail No 3 E to Les Escoumins, then trail Pelchat that is in fact a road closed for winter, along the Escoumins River.  The scenery is magnificent.  Fortunately, the grooming machine has worked during the night and we are the first snowmobilers to ride here in the morning.  No need to say the fun we have riding along the Escoumins River. After 60 km in this outstanding landscape, we arrive at the source of the river, at «Essipit», the Lac des Coeurs outfitter.  From here, we keep going on trail No 93 to the Monts-Valin. Snow is heavier and trees are covered with frost as we get closer to the mountains. 

We stop at the Relais La Chapelle, on the south end of Jalobert Lake. It really looks like a chapel with its 3 m vault.  A restaurant offers good meals here.  We get gas and then, we leave on trail No 93 N to the accomodation Monts-Valin (Passion Québec).  A few kilometers before we arrive, we can see the lights of the village and ski station far away.    

L'hébergement des Monts-Valin (Passion Québec)
L'hébergement des Monts-Valin (Passion Québec)

We receive a warm welcome from Lise and Vincent who are very nice people, as well as all the staff of Passion Québec.  We park our snowmobiles in a large and safe location locked with an automatic door.  The accomodation Monts-Valin (Passion Québec) offers a wide variety for a night or for a longer stay : cottages, condos, gites.  You can also rent snowmobiles.  Phone number : 418-673-1001.  Website

Distance day 3 : 291 km.

Day 4 – Monts-Valin (Passion Québec) – Relais Onatchiway – Auberge du km 31

On January 22, 2014, it is -37 °C, sunny, no wind.  After a full-energy breakfast to face cold weather, we leave at 10:30 a.m. for the Relais Onatchiway in Saint-David-de-Falardeau via local trails No 267 and No 477.  We arrive around noon just in time for lunch and we receive a warm welcome.  As we come in, we discover a cottage designed with a very impressive collection of stuffed animals.  Here, they serve meals and operate a convenience store. The electricity is produced by a generator. The relay also offers cottages for hunting, fishing or villegiature.  We can also get gas here. 
Relais Onatchiway, phone 418-690-4121 Website

It is possible to reach Saint-Ludger-de-Milot or Saint-David-de-Falardeau riding along the Péribonka River and Tchitogama Lake, but we decide that it would be too far.  Maybe another trip in the future.  We go back to the Auberge du km 31.  During dinner, we made conversation with other guests.  They asked us many questions about our web site, www.sledmagazine.com.   They are also curious about the quality of the trails we rode on, about our itinerary.

Auberge du km 31
Salle à manger de l'Auberge du km 31

Distance day 4 : 170 km.

Jour 5 – Monts-Valin – Lévis

On January 23, 2014, we check the map of Monts-Valin sector and then, we ride about 60 km to get to Cassey Lake. We take wonderful photos and then, our unforgettable tour ends.  We can confirm that many regions of the Province of Québec are allowed to wish for the great snow conditions of the Monts-Valin and people in Saguenay are up to their reputation of warm welcome.  

This is a snowmobile tour we recommend to all snowmobilers.  However, remember that toilets are distant from one another.

Special thanks to all the hoteliers for their warm welcome.

Polaris Snowmobile

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