January 31 th. It’s raining and windy on my Eastern Township, right in the middle of the province of Quebec.Yesterday, it was 12 C and there is no more snow on the ground. Memories attenuate my sadness. Sometimes, the weather is very strange in the south of Quebec and pretty hard this year again.

Our Columnist Mario Bernier in Percé, Gaspésie
But, it’s not time for crying … I made snowmobiling the last 30 years and has still fun as it should be. Sometimes, the lack of snow in my area helped me a lot to discover other tremendous places in the province. A different way to appreciate new people, new landcapes.

Hundreds of great photos from trails, gorgeous bays, moutains or fabulous people, really friendly and generous.

So, during this little break, I call my snowmobilers friends and we all plan a new great adventure. An unknown destination ( short or long ) full of mysteries and surprises. Also, I do some preventive maintenance on my snowmobile. I want to be ready as soon as possible for the next trip, the next departure…because there will be a new start.

Aside from the economic benefits brought by snowmobile in winter, this sport is a real passion. It is my therapy, my escape and a pure moment of freedom and peace of mind.

Every day, it’s still like a strong fever, my adrenalin and my reason to make sacrifices …
It is my passion into the soul.