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New trail connecting Québec to New Brunswick

Nouveau sentier reliant le Québec au Nouveau-Brunswick

We have been hearing about it since many years and it is now a reality. We are talking here about a new trail that now connects the Club de motoneige Vallée de la Matapédia and the Club de motoneigistes de la rivière Verte located in New Brunswick.

On the Québec side, it is not a federated trail, so it is not found on maps. But, on the New Brunswick side, it is called Trail 155. It did not appear by accident. Effectively, since many years, snowmobilers from the Matapédia, the Mitis and even from the Rimouski region have gone snowmobiling in New Brunswick through this route or through forest roads on Zec du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Their main destination : the Moose Valley Lodge that became an institution over the years.

The Moose is in fact a central point from where we can make different loops on New Brunswick trails. Effectively, the dynamic Club de motoneigistes de la rivière Verte has developed many new trails in this area that allow snowmobilers to discover the wonders of the rivière Verte region. These loops are added to provincial trail # 17 that leads west to Edmundston or east to Kedgwick.

With the addition of trail 155 to its circuit, the Club de la rivière Verte then offers a second access to Québec trails. Effectively, trail 135 was already connecting to TQ 35 in the sector of Biencourt through a local trail.

“ Snowmobilers from the Province of Québec can now access a very pleasant loop. I live near Rimouski and I can ride towards the Club de motoneige Vallée de la Matapédia, take this new trail and halt at the Moose Valley Lodge. Then, I ride towards Biencourt and come back by TQ 35. It represents a nice ride of about 350 km ”, says Mr Denis Lavoie from Motoneiges.ca / SledMagazine.com .

The opening of this trail is to facilitate the traffic between both provinces and of course, for both clubs concerned, to increase their respective membership.

Team Motoneige.ca / SledMagazine.com congratulates these two clubs for their great initiative. Soon, you will be able to read here an article about this new trail.

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