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My trip in the region of Lanaudière Part 1)

My trip began in Saint-Donat, a village of 3 400 inhabitants; in summer, this number may even quadruple.  You will find 20 lakes on its territory.  Saint-Donat is located about 140 km north-west of Montréal, on the banks of majestic Lac Archambault.    

The village of Saint-Donat is part of the MRC de la Matawinie in the Laurentian Mountains.  In winter time, fans of alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and of course snowmobiling get there to practice their favorite sport. 

On Sunday January 25th, 2014, the adventure began with my riding companion and photograph, Mr Serge Sabourin.  Moving on the main street of Saint-Donat to our hotel, we could see the snowmobile trail along the street; this way, snowmobilers have access to all shops.  This is a good start.

Motoneigistes qui arrivent de leur randonnée
End of the ride for these snowmobilers

Once at our hotel, the Manoir des Laurentides, we went to our rooms.  We had the surprise to see that it was a condominium unit with two bedrooms and fireplace at the second floor, just in front of  wonderful Lac Archambault.  The view over the lake was fabulous.  Then, we had supper with Mr Jean Michaud, president of the Club de motoneige Saint-Donat, and Mr Olivier Guilbault, from Tourisme Lanaudière. 

Motoneige Le Lac Archambault
Lac Archambault

During the meal, we discussed about the extensive work done by the snowmobile club to maintain the trails so that snowmobilers from the Province of Québec, the Province of Ontario and from the United States could fully enjoy their sport.  According to Mr Michaud, the Club de motoneige Saint-Donat has about 550 members and trails are groomed 4 times a week. 

After the meal, we went to our condo and prepared our snowmobiles for departure the morning after towards Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts.  We had a good night sleep and then, we were ready to leave.

So, that day, we headed for Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts in the Laurentian Mountains, where the first snowmobile club of the Province of Québec was established 52 years ago.  On this first morning, it was about -21 oC and  30 oC with wind chill.  A freezing weather.

Le lac Archambault avec blizzard
Blizzard on Lac Archambault 

As we were approaching Lac Archambault to get to the snowmobile trail, we almost could not see each other in the blizzard.  Before getting to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, we made a detour to Montagne Noire, for a breathtaking view at its summit.  Trees looked like snowmen standing in a line, just like soldiers on parade.  I had some bread pieces with me and the magpies, known for steeling, came and ate in my hand.  What a great moment of human harmony with nature. 

Montagne Noire avec bonshommes de neige et discussions entre motoneigistes.
Montagne Noire with snowmen and discussions between snowmobilers.

Afterwards, we headed for Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts on the new mountain trails where we really had to ride cautiously.  Despite the snow storm, our ride has been wonderful.  We reached without any incident the Club de golf Royal Laurentien located in Saint-Faustin.  We had to ride with courtesy on the golf court that we were authorized to cross thanks to rights of way, full of restrictions, negotiated by the snowmobile club.

Sentier abrupt
Abrupt trail  

There were orange ribbons along the trail to keep snowmobilers from riding off the trail.  It was the same on our way back to Saint-Donat, but this time, we could see some «Road Runner» signs advising snowmobilers not to ride off trail.

Sentier avec clôture orange
Trail with orange fences

«Road Runner»
«Road Runner»

We stopped briefly on the trail Petit Train du Nord, or at least what's left of it, located in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts.  From there, snowmobilers have access to all services.

Photo à Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts tous les services
Access to all services Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts

After we took our last pictures, we left for Sainte-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson and stopped at Estérel Resort for a good meal in a friendly atmosphere.  The resort has been renovated during the last years.  Rooms have been turned into wonderful condo units with view on Lac Masson that brings special ambiance.  Everything has been organized to satisfy snowmobilers' needs.

We had a delicious meal and then, we left for Saint-Donat on the trail of Club d'autoneige Blizzard;  my good friend Paul Ouimet, the president, takes very good care of their trails.  In the village of Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, we stopped for a while and went to see a unique suspension bridge.

Traverse du lac Ouareau
Crossing of Lac Ouareau 

Then, we rode towards Lac Ouareau and reached Saint-Donat in no time.  It has been a cold day, but the scenery and the well-groomed trails made us forget about the cold temperatures.  

This was the first part of my trip in Lanaudière.  After reading this article, I hope you will plan a vacation in this wonderful region where nature is outstanding.  

Do not forget to follow my trip to the snowmobile country on this web site.  And for more informations about the Manoir des Laurentides, please click on www.manoirdeslaurentides.com .

From the Snowmobilers' Voice to you :  «Ride safely, we like you  alive».

For informations, visit www.sledmagazine.com or www.motoneiges.ca.

Polaris Snowmobile

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