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My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

Since 2011, I have been wearing Baffin boots and I am very satisfied with them. Indeed, in 2011 I had the chance to try the Baffin Impact boots (Read…) and I was charmed by the quality of the product, but especially by the comfort and protection they provide.

Last year, I wanted a lower boot that I could be used under certain circumstances. Once again, Baffin allowed me to try the Evolution boots (Read…) that I also really liked. With these two pairs of boots, I felt ready to practice all possible winter activities knowing my feet will always be warm.

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

Baffin Evolution Boots

An accident happens so fast…

At the beginning of the 2018 snowmobile season, I had the misfortune of breaking one of my Impact boot by putting it too close to my wood stove. God, there's a huge hole on the side of my right boot and it's definitely my fault. Apart from the hole, my boots were in perfect condition even after 7 snowmobile seasons.

At that moment, I was getting ready for a ride in the Gaspé Peninsula. As they received up to 100 cm of fresh snow in the previous days, the loss of my Impact boots was really difficult to take. Indeed, this model goes up very high on the leg and it has a cord to close the top of the boot and prevent the infiltration of snow. The Baffin Impact boots were, to me, better suited for the ride I was about to do.

So I go to a Baffin dealer to buy a new pair to replace the one I accidentally broke. 

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

I didn't hesitate a second to buy a new pair of Baffin Impact boots

The positive thing from my misadventure, it is that I now have two pairs of liner for my Impact boots. 

Another winter with warm feet

Of course, I always wear my Baffin boots snowmobiling or during other winter activities. I prefer to wear the Evolution at the beginning and end of the season. The boot is not as high and it’s a little less warm when the temperature is over -10 C. Although the boots are able to face Siberian cold going up to -70 C, in the middle of the season, I prefer the Impact which can protect us up to -100 C. 

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

Insulation in Baffin Impact boots

A strong sole

The sole of the Baffin Impact boots is really strong. On my original pair, there's no wear and tear even though I wore these boots on snowmobiles with studded steps. The sole also provides good traction on icy surfaces. No need to be afraid on ice! 

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

The sole of Impact boots is very resistant and offers good grip on ice

Even if my testing of the Baffin Evolution a little more than a season, I've noticed the same strength and traction as the Impact. 

My Tests with the Baffin Boots: What You Need to Know

Evolution boot sole


Baffin boots are built to last. The choice of materials makes it a boot that will allow you to face many winters without worries. The maintenance of the materials used is easy. Of course, when the boots are equipped with slippers or liner, we must remove them after each use so that it can dry before the next use.

Naked in my boots!

This title must make you smile, but after wearing both models barefoot (without socks), I must say that it is now my favorite way of wearing them. Indeed, when people see me wearing my boots without socks, they all look perplexed… However, even in extreme cold, I feel no freshness on my feet. Either way, I feel like I'm wearing slippers. It's very comfortable!

In conclusion…

If you are looking for a warm, comfortable and durable pair of boots, I invite you to consider Baffin boots. For me, the Evolution and Impact boots met and even exceeded all my expectations.

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