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Maxigrip Snowmobile Track Studs

Hello fellow-snowmobilers !

For the second consecutive season, I will test the Maxigrip track studs.  Mr Jacques Bélanger, the other pilot who will ride with me, will use this product for the third season. He told me many times that now he could not ride without the Maxigrip track studs.  acques says that it is much easier to brake on ice and in icy turns, and to start off  at icy crossroads.    

Personally, this Maxigrip product helped me to climb steep slopes without any problem and also to keep control in icy curves. I had my greatest surprise at the end of the last season in the Monts Valin. On the first day, it was sunny at +6 °C; this was a wonderful day for riding on great trail conditions. However, it changed completely at night, when the temperature dropped to -18 °C. What a difference ! The trails had been perfectly groomed during the night but when we left in the morning, we were on a true icy carpet. 

We had to ride about 22 km to reach the Auberge du km 31 and be part of the Festival Ciel et Neige 2.0. We were three snowmobilers; one left a few minutes earlier while the other one waited for me. This was my first ride in the Monts Valin and the surface was really icy; my guide tried to ride on the snowy parts of the trail to cool off his machine. I went on by myself on the icy trail and even rejoined the first rider who was also sliding on softer snowy surface because his engine was overheating.

Later on, as we were preparing our stand, I asked one of the pilots why exactly my snowmobile did not overheat. He had only one explanation : my machine was equipped with Maxigrip track studs, a significant advantage when riding on such tough icy surfaces.

This winter, I replaced the old runners on my Yamaha as it overheated and I got the new Yamaha runners designed by Dupont, that are less subject to overheating on very hard surfaces.

Here is another example showing that the Maxigrip track studs can make quite a difference.

My Apex is equipped with 11 mm Maxigrip track studs (180). Right in the middle of the season, snow melted and again Jacques’s engine overheated. His machine was equipped with 18 mm Maxigrip track studs (80) while one of his friends had the 11 mm studs (110) and no overheating despite the same riding conditions. I think this is due to the fact that the smaller 11 mm studs provide more ice dust and this is enough to avoid overheating of the engine and runners. So, this is a very good product that is suitable for snowmobiles, ATV and side-by-side.

Maxigrip studs are quite easy to install with the supplied installation tool and a drill. You  lay out a pattern and screw the studs; if this is correctly done, you will not lose any stud because they are stopped by the rubber. It is also easy to remove the studs and put them on another track.

This is a great Christmas gift for winter sport fans. Just ask your snowmobile dealer for the Maxigrip track studs; tell him to call Kimpex if he does not have any. Personally, I prefer the 11 mm studs, but you can also get the 15 mm or 18 mm studs.


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