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Let this MISSION begin with first impressions

Let this MISSION begin with first impressions - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

It has been all the rage in the world of snowmobile helmets for 2020. In the snowmobiling community’s constant search for the ultimate snowmobiling helmet, the Mission helmet by CKX has captured the interest of close to all of us. The promise of warmth and clear visibility in a broad range of operating temperatures has long been the goal of all.

The Missions Air Management System AMS will be the key to its ultimate success or failure. The AMS system utilizes internal channels to create negative pressure at the rear vents of the helmet to extract moisture from within the breath box area.

Adjustability is always important and the Mission offers plenty of it. From the aerodynamic peak position, to the proper fit of the breath box and venting control, you can really make the Mission all yours.

I have had the opportunity to experience many NEW helmets over my many years of riding. Some have been OK, some have been great, some have been all show and no go and  some have proven to be all hype garbage.

I was very excited to be selected to experience this helmet and its AMS technology. My Mission is in Gloss Black with the optional electric shield capability. I selected the electric option only as a backup system as I prefer a helmet that functions on its own without reliance on continuous and without fail electric current.

While my first ride with the Mission leaves many more conditions under which to evaluate its performance, it did reveal several favorable and worth mentioning first impressions.

Let this MISSION begin with first impressions - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

  • The Mission has a great look and modern styling.
  • The Mission came with a very detailed instructional manual as well as all wires needed to connect to your sleds 12v power.
  • I found the Mission sizing to run very true to the CKX sizing chart. Not too tight, not too loose, it fits just like a helmet is supposed to fit. So, take your time, measure your head as suggested, measure it again and get it right.
  • I found that the Mission was very quiet with a noticeable muting of both air and other external noise.
  • The Missions uniquely enlarged face shield is optically correct in offering a very clear and open field of vision when looking side to side or at your gauges.
  • The Mission shield is easily operated with a gloved hand and when open provides full lower face access.

Let this MISSION begin with first impressions - snowmobiles - snowmobilers

My first rides with the new Mission were in relatively warmer temperatures in the 10F to 25F range (-3C to -10C). In this range I did not experience interior fogging at any time.

During a part of one ride, precipitation hitting my shield was very moist, making it necessary to occasionally wipe the shield with my glove. As temperatures dropped and speed increased, the moist precipitation began to freeze on my shield making easy and complete wiping more challenging. At this point I chose to test the electric capability of the Mission. Once plugged in, the lightly freezing precipitation quickly returned to a liquid and was once again easily wiped off.  As mentioned before, I prefer to rely on the electric only as a convenient backup and in this particular case it worked perfectly.

On another longer distance ride, when I again rode intentionally unplugged, I noted that my riding partners’ helmet brand was plugged in the entire day. When I asked him if this was just his habit or if it was necessary, he told me that it was indeed needed to insure fog-free visibility. My visibility was just fine with the Mission without relying on being plugged in and that is exactly what I want in a helmet.

So far so good, but I still have many more miles and some super cold temperature rides that must be experienced before I can call this Mission complete.

I thank CKX for providing me with a Mission that I gladly chose to accept. I look forward to sharing more of my Mission as the season progresses.

For more information you can go on their website : https://www.ckxgear.com/en-ca/home

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