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Free access to FCMQ trails everywhere in Quebec for the snowmobilers

February 9 & 10, 2013
Free access to FCMQ trails everywhere in Quebec
The FCMQ and the thousands of volunteers from its 205 member snowmobile clubs invite you to discover the world’s foremost snowmobile trail system free of charge (no trail permit required) for an entire weekend.
To extend your enjoyment of our trails, simply do what over 80,000 snowmobile owners do and contact a local club. In addition to seasonal trail permits, 1, 3 and 7-day passes are available.

Happy trails!
Enter our Snowmobile Dream Vacation Contest*
Contest to win : A 5-night package for four (4) persons including : five (5) nights in a Fairmont guestroom, five (5) full buffet breakfasts in Le Bellerive Restaurant, five (5) four-service dinners in Le Bellerive Restaurant or Le Saint-Laurent Restaurant (alcoholic beverages not included) and a secure, heated, indoor snowmobile parking.
Retail Value of $4 500!

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