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First trails to open in Quebec

SledMagzine.com just learned that some trails will be opened this weekend in the Lanaudiere region.

Indeed those trails will be open this week-end:

  • Trail # 345 l’Auberge le Cabanon and Lac Taureau’s dam
  • Trail # 318 l’Auberge le Cabanon and Saint-Michel-des-Saints;
  • Trail # 345 l’Auberge le Cabanon and Pourvoirie au Pays de Réal Massé;
  • Trail # 350-343 Pourvoirie Au Pays de Réal Massé and l’Auberge La Glacière;
  • Trail # 318 to the Pourvoirie Koubek.

The following loop #318- #345- #350 in the Mastigouche reserve will also be opened this weekend.

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