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FCMQ warns snowmobilers to avoid waterways and advises extreme caution

With forecasts calling for extremely mild temperatures on the weekend, snowmobilers are being asked to exercise extreme caution because conditions are unpredictable, ice is not safe and trails may not be open. This warning, issued by the Fédération des Clubs de Motoneigistes du Québec (FCMQ), is necessary as a result of existing exceptionally mild weather conditions. 
The FCMQ advises that no snowmobile trail should be considered open if it has not already been groomed by the local club. Even then, with only a minimal depth of trail base established, snowmobilers must watch out for natural obstacles that would normally be completely buried under packed snow later in the season, after groomers have been at work regularly. Snowmobilers are also advised that, with snow coming so early, proper signage may not yet be fully installed as a result of time constraints experienced by certain clubs.
The FCMQ warns that ice on all waterways and swamps should be assumed to be unsafe. Our best advice for snowmobilers is to contact your local club to check trail conditions prior to heading out.

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