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Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Forest Roads

The first terrain type to become accessible by snowmobile at the beginning of each season in the off-trail world is obviously the many forest roads. Forest roads compose most of the northern country, for example in the Monts-Valin there are many hundreds of kilometers that grid most of the territory. Originally, they serve the purpose to extract the wood that loggers cut. Being navigable during the summer with trucks and off-road vehicles, cleared of most rocks using a grader, makes this the ideal place to start the season with lowered risks of breaking one's machine.

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile


As the off-trail season gets snowed in with greater amounts of snow, more terrains become accessible. Venturing on the many forest roads, we come across nearby lakes, which widens the ridable space without having to go too far. A great amount of pleasure can be obtained by doing a few donuts and riding on the side of the lakes that receive all the snow from the rest of the lake. The difference in accumulation can be very significative from one side to the other.

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Swamps and Sand Pits

In the full force of winter, thus having full coverage of snow everywhere, the swamps and sand pits become like attraction parks. Riding becomes very pleasureful, and most of the obstacles are hidden underneath all this magnificent snow. 

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Power Lines

The hydroelectric power lines are now in full season (usually January and on) when we have accumulated many feet of snow. The rocks are thus hidden and not many stumps on power line terrain because they are cleared of trees every several years. With its diverse terrain in the mountains, this is where often the boys are separated from the men. Usually, when there are sections too steep to travel with their vehicles, the electric company creates what we call “chicken passes” and offers to avoid going up or down terrain too steep. Of course, depending on where you are riding on the Monts-Valin (for example) you have access to either a flat landscape that is relatively easy and just a few hundred meters or kilometers further it can become of the double-diamond category with only a few tracks at most of a few ultra-courageous souls.

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Logged Mountain Side Areas

When we get this far in the off-trail season (mid-January and on), it is now safer to venture out on the logged mountain sides areas. They offer a wide range of terrain with steep climbs filled with great amounts of snow depending on which direction the dominant winds are or depending on what direction the winds were during the last major snow storm. One must always keep in mind that underneath there is many stumps, rocks and the whole nine yards of potential dangers. 

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

Scenic routes and mountain tops

During winter, the mountains are at the peak of their beauty and have many scenic views that are “breathtaking.” They are worth the extra time and energy to go admirers their beautiful layout, ravishing snow accumulations, frost on every inch of all the vegetation. At some moments one can view trees that look like mommies.

Different Types of Places to Off-Trail Ride on a Snowmobile

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