Hundreds of snowmobile enthusiasts participate at 33rd annual Snodeo
Hundreds of snowmobile enthusiasts came together to see the latest in snowmobile technology and part
Hundreds of snowmobile enthusiasts came together to see the latest in snowmobile technology and part
Winter may be about a week away according to the calendar, but the recent snowfall has folks in nort
Prospects look good for the start of Northern New England’s snowmobile season.
The first snocross race of 2009-2010 season is in the history books, and with it a return to Team Ar
Extreme sports legend Travis Pastrana was with Levi LaVallee about four years ago when Pastrana told
For this weekend it will be possible to ride in groomed snowmobile trail in the following locations:
For the last three years, 10 Canadian women have gained attention for their cause as the Prairie Wom
It was in 1959 that Joseph-Armand Bombardier first unveiled the little vehicle of his dreams for tra
The anticipation builds, as the 11th annual Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Snow Run is a few short month
Team Owners Levi LaVallee and Glen Kafka are excited to announce the
Launch of Team LaVallee.