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Beginning of Trials for Yamaha’s RS Vector LTX

The snowfalls the Matapédia region has received over the last 10 days allowed the team of your online SledMagazine.com to begin the long-term testing of Yamaha’s RS Vector LTX 2008.

We indeed had the opportunity to drive a little over 110 km in snow conditions that were exceptional for this time of year.  After Sunday’s trip, Mr. Denis Lavoie made the following comments: “We could count on snow accumulations ranging from 30 to 70 cm depending on places.  Moreover, the bottom of the trail was made of hard, non-icy snow covered in a layer of soft snow: an ideal combination for driving!”

Our first impressions of the Vector LTX are very positive and indicate that we can expect a lot of fun during the next season.

We invite you all to take a look at the Long-Term Testing section for the RS-Vector LTX 2008 by clicking here!

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