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Arctic Cat CFR 8 2010 : Short-term trial

Because we have a number of partners such as Panda Aventures of Rimouski, we have the opportunity and privilege to run short-term trials on different models of the year. My latest trial was on the 2010 edition of the CFR 8 by Arctic Cat, that our friends at Panda’s recently purchased and offered to us to try. On this Sunday, the weather was very aggressive and there was a snow storm on its way. However we were able to have a very nice ride. What a machine! As the test driver for the F8, I was already familiar with the 2010 Arctic Cat line up. I was very excited by this opportunity to try it out and compare engine, chassis and set up.

When I got out, the temperature was around -4 °C with about 6 inches of fresh soft snow on the ground. As we had a lot of warm weather two weeks earlier followed by a snow storm and cold weather for about a week, the base of the trails was packed hard, and very well maintained, may I say!

This machine has very nice looks and finishing. It comes with the new Arctic Cat 800 H.O. motor which develops 160 HP and believe me…



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