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‘A Common Misconception’ Snowmobile Trails are Run by Government

‘A Common Misconception’ Snowmobile Trails are Run by Government

‘A Common Misconception’ Snowmobile Trails are Run by Government

There have always been some snowmobilers who completely believe that “the Government” runs the snowmobile trails in New Brunswick. This has never been the case and certainly is not a true statement today. Yes, in the early 1980’s Government employees did operate Trail Groomers in Provincial Parks like Mactaquac & Sugarloaf, but that is now almost 40 years ago.

Trail Permits; we copied this successful way of raising funds for trails from Ontario (OFSC) and Quebec (FCMQ). In the 1993 season the first NBFSC permits were sold. We had the permits entrenched in N.B. Legislation after season 2000. The club’s volunteers still decide on the prices & types every year, not the Government. We only contract SNB to sell for your convenience.

Registrations or snowmobile license plates have been mandatory since the 1970’s and yes these are the property of the Government. However until approximately 1995 your snowmobile registration did not construct a single trail, install a single sign, build a single bridge or purchase a single Groomer, it was a general tax. Today is better; the NBFSC created the concept & vision for the Trail Management Trust Fund (TMTF), managed by Natural Resources (ERD), but funded 100% by you. The TMTF today pays for grooming & trail insurance. The 39% portion the Government retains helps to fund the trail enforcement.

Trail Maps began to be published by the Government in the earliest days of marketing, White Gold, in approximately 1993. The NBFSC took over this responsibility in 2008. We continue to publish the Provincial (paper) Map today. In 2018 it is the NBFSC who creates & promotes the Interactive Trail Mapping and sells an App for Android phones and an App for IOS phones.

Trail Signage; simply put has always been and is today the responsibility of the club’s volunteers. Government does not and has not taken on this very important role.

Trail Bridges; again simply put bridges are the responsibility of the club’s volunteers, not Government with a few important exceptions. On former rail lines that become snowmobile trails, ERD have a budget which is very welcome and appreciated.

Trail Groomers & trail grooming is the single largest consumption of human & financial resources for every club. We estimate that of every $100.00 a club raises or receives, a minimum of $70.00 goes into the fixed and/or variable costs around trail grooming and Trail Groomers. And for the vast majority of the 50 clubs this does not encompass any labor costs, there simply is not enough money from the Permits to cover all costs and trail responsibilities. Government does assist snowmobiling here with $.50 grants for Trail Groomers matched completely by the NBFSC & Clubs. This by far is their most important contribution to “running” the trails. 

What does Government do? The New Brunswick Governments are generally excellent partners in supporting snowmobiling as a winter tourism sector. The various departments are a challenge to work with but together the NBFSC and Government have accomplished many advances since the formation of the Federation. Today they provde;

Public Monies for Snowmobiling:

  • THC – Product Marketing
  • THC – Trail Infrastructure Fund (used by Clubs for Trail Groomer Acquisitions)
  • ERD – Capital Budget for former Railway Lines including some maintenance (all trails)

Sometimes Government attempts to claim assistance but we want to clarify; are these just not normal responsibilities for any government for any sector? We will let you decide.

Government Responsibilities for Snowmobiling:

  • JPS – Off Road Vehicle Enforcement Program (from Snowmobile Registrations, so funded partially with snowmobiler’s $$)
  • DTI – Highway Usage Permits (administrative –no direct $$)
  • ERD – Trail Management Trust Fund (funded 100% by snowmobilers)

Government is most certainly a valuable partner in the snowmobile trail file & an important contributor. We need them to take their ‘trail’ responsibilities more seriously & we need them to work collectively with each other. As a senior level Government colleague once asked me, “Are you certain you want to get into bed with us?” We now better understand.

So if you still believe Government runs snowmobiling, advice; be careful what you wish for.



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