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A road trip to get my Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys

A road trip to get my Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys

Yes, I went for a little road trip down to Haute-Gatineau in the beautiful city of Maniwaki. My goal: to hold my new snowmobile Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys. I was so happy to receive them. It is the owners of Équipements Maniwaki Marie-Josée Blais, Dominic Blais and Michel Gay that gave them to me for my 2018 season.

Snowmobile A road trip to get my Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys

Thanks to Équipement Maniwaki for their trust for a second year now.

Snowmobile A road trip to get my Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys

This model was new last year in the snowmobile world with its new REV GEN4 platform perfect to travel trails. This snowmobile is adapt for snowmobilers who want to drive off trails.

Snowmobile A road trip to get my Renegade X 850 E-TEC keys

I wish you a safe season!


Tourisme La Tuque

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