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2014 long term trial of the new 550 Indy Adventure

The web magazine SledMagazine.com along with Polaris Industries and CM Barbeau, Polaris dealer, is happy to introduce its 2014 long term trial of the new 550 Indy Adventure.  This is a brand new model for 2014, the little sister of the series with its very specific characteristics designed mostly for the Québec market.

«When our partners offered us this snowmobile for our long term trial, we have been  thrilled right away… » said Mr Denis Lavoie, president of SledMagazine.com.  «We are used to trail snowmobiles or snowmobiles with bigger engine…» did he add.  Also, Mr Lavoie thinks that this model is truly designed for Quebecers on the north shore of the St. Lawrence river as the machine is equipped with many features adapted to hinterland  snowmobilers.

Since SledMagazine.com runs long term trial, this is the first time we put a 550 fan engine on test.  So, it should highly interest you if you are looking for a sled with a remarkable  quality-price ratio along with numerous advantages on trail, in powder snow, at the cottage or for work.  We can’t wait for the opening of this new season in order to run our tests in all conditions; let’s hope this Polaris 550 Indy Adventure, courtesy of our partners, will fulfill our expectations.

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