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Wonderfull trails conditions in the Lower St-Laurence River region !

 As most of Quebec trails are closed in different sector everywhere in the province due to the warm weather of the last week, the lower St-Laurence region especially the Rimouski area the trails are great.

This is what SledMagazine.com discovered when speaking with local officials. Mr. Steve Gaudreault, President of Le Club Sportif Populaire du Bas St-Laurent, pointed out that most of the club’s trails remain open and in good conditions. Trails are on a solid base with some icy patches. However, moving away from the St-Lawrence River and inland, trails are less solidly packed and reveal some snowy stretches. The same can be said about the trails of Club de la Mitis. Mr. Jean-Pierre Labonté, owner of the Yamaha dealership in Mont-Joli, confirmed that the riding conditions he enjoyed Wednesday evening were second to none this season. This says a lot!

We have met with riders who rode 280 miles (450 kilometers) earlier this week and it was  reported that conditions were generally very good with exception for the Matane area where it is well known that the usual warm winds combined with rain as was experienced both Monday and Tuesday made trail conditions difficult.

Great photo opportunities awaited riders last weekend on top of the Saint-Pierre mountain (North-West of Amqui) where snowy mummified trees spectacularly reflected the sunrays coming down clear blue skies.  A climb to the top of the lookout tower is well worth the effort.

Looking for a great snowmobile destination? The northern section of the Gaspésie peninsula and the Bas-St-Laurent region are right up there with the winners. Winter conditions and heaps of fresh snow will surely supply plenty of wonderful memories.

SledMagazine.com will hit the trails this weekend and we hope to see you there. Should our paths cross, don’t be shy. Drop by to shake our hand and say hello.

Have a great ride !

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