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WheelTracker transferred to a 2013 GSX 600 E-TEC : our test goes on !

WheelTracker : a versatile system

Since buying the WheelTracker system is an important expense for snowmobilers, its manufacturer SCM-GL offered to extend our long-term trial of WHEELTRACKER over the next seasons. After testing it on a 2011 Yamaha Apex SE during three seasons and on a 2014 SRViper L-TX during one season, it is now on a 2013 GSX 600 E-TEC that we will continue. 

The goals of this test are to evaluate the long-term durability of the hydraulic wheel system and its versatility that makes it suitable for most of the models offered in the industry,no matter the manufacturer. So, the owner can keep the system after changing his snowmobile, thus optimizing its usage over the years.


The WheelTracker system must be installed very carefully and Mr Ghislain Lachance, owner of SCM-GL and inventor of the WheelTracker and SnowTracker systems, strongly recommends to have the installation made directly at the factory.


Even if switching from one snowmobile brand to another requires to replace some articulating parts of the WHEELTRACKER system, the main components can be reused (pump, cylinders, electronic control, wiring and most of the hydraulic hoses).


According to Mr Lachance, transferring the WHEELTRACKER from one snowmobile to another of the same brand by experts trained by SCM-GL, requires about 4 to 5 hours. If there is a change of platform or brand, it may reach 7 hours.


So, we are ready to continue our test of the WheelTracker hydraulic wheel system over the next years. I can assure you that the columnist who has the chance to run this trial is very happy to be able to count on these hydraulic wheels, mostly this season where weather conditions are especially difficult…


Please follow our trial during the coming weeks and also during the next years. For more information about the WheelTracker, see the links below.

Have a great end of season !

For more information visit the WheelTracker Website: https://www.snowtracker.com/wheeltracker.aspx

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