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Trails conditions in Gaspesie

Encouraged by the snow falls received at the beginning of the week several clubs of the Gaspesie region will be able to offer good trail conditions next weekend. Indeed from 4 to 8 inches of snow felt during last days!

January 9, 2006 between St-Adelme et La Cache
Photograph : Denis Langevin, collaborator Snowmobilers.info

Sector Vallée de la Matapédia
The trails of the Club Vallée de la Matapédia (Amqui) and the Club La Coulée Verte (Albertville) has been opened for some time now. The conditions remain from fair to good depending of the areas. While moving towards Baie des Chaleurs,  the conditions seem to be better specially in the highlands and far from water. Indeed the clubs Marquis de Malauze (Point-à -la-Croix) and  Mont-Carleton announce groomed trails in good condition. 

January 9, 2006 Chics Chocs trail (Regional 595)
Photograph: Denis Langevin, collaborator Snowmobilers.info

Baie des Chaleurs
More to the east the Club Chevaliers de la Motoneige (New Richmond) and the Club Tourbillon (Bonaventure) are planning the opening of some of theirs trails for the weekend. In the sector of New Richmond the users will have to pay attention to the ice which is present in the trails. Finally, several snowmobilers went to the Relais de la Cache from the Ski resort Pin Rouge(New Richmond). The path was not groomed in this sector on the other hand…

Along the St-Laurence river
Yesterday, the Club Les Amoureux de la Motoneige (Matane) groomed the TQ #5 between St-Adelme and St-Paulin as well as the regional trail 595 up to La Cache. The conditions are from good to very good in these sectors. L’Association des Motoneigistes du Mont Logan (Ste-Anne-des-Monts) have opened the TQ #5 to St-Paulin. On the other hand the trails are not opened on the east side of this club. Finally the Club de Tourelle opened its trails which are in good condition. 

East of Gaspesie
The club of Murdochville has not opened its trails so far. It seems that the quatity of snow is not sufficient at this moment. We could not obtain news of the other clubs in this sector.

The current conditions vary a lot from one sector to next next. We thus invite the snowmobilers to drive very carefully at the beginning of this season.

Thank you to Mr. Denis Langevin which provided the photographs for this article. 

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