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Trails are opening in Lanaudiere

Following the recent snowfalls, several of the province’s clubs are preparing the trails in order to begin their activities over the next few days.

In some places, additional snowfalls are required for the season to begin, whereas in other places the amount of snow is sufficient.  For instance, concerning the Lanaudière region, we have received the following pieces of information:

Area 1 North of Lanaudière (Saint-Michel, Saint-Zénon, Manawan)
General conditions: Fair
Status of trails: New snow cover
November 24th, 2007: 200 km of trails will be opened in Saint-Zénon.

This area is therefore added to the list of open areas along with the Monts-Valin, which officially opened their trails last weekend.
Let’s remind our readers that caution is advised and a trail permit is mandatory to go out on the trails.

Happy snowmobiling season to everyone!

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