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Thoughts from the beach!

As I enjoy a week of tenting at Popham Beach on the beautiful coast of Maine early each September, I dream of the winter soon to begin.  I’ve done this each year, at the same time and at the same place for 25 years.

This vacation has always been a positive turning point in my year, as Summer comes to an end and everything begins to more quickly lead to my favorite time of year……….. Winter.  Once here, I’ve made it through another summer and I organize my thoughts and allow myself to begin another season that never really ends.

I read and re-read each page of the newest snowmobile publications from cover to cover to cover again.

My mind is filled by the excitement of the new sleds, the new technologies and new accessories. I think of the old sleds, old technologies and old accessories that are part of my past and were once all new.

As the sunshine warms my body, my mind is refreshed with thoughts of everything that is snowmobiling. My spirit is happy with decades of memories, tens of thousands of miles of pure pleasure and the anticipation of the miles, memories and pleasures yet to come.

The clean and smooth, tide swept beach reminds me of the feeling of 1st tracks on a freshly groomed trail, surfaced to perfection by the continuing tides of nighttime groomers.

A cool evening breeze and clear starry night sky are easily transformed in my mind to the soft gentle snow of a winter night sky.

The white sea foam and sunrise lit water reminds me of the snow covered farm fields of Saguenay lac St Jean and the blowing mist off the top of the waves reminds me of the snow drifts of the Gaspesie.

When the churning splash of crashing waves reminds you of when your buddy empties the contents of a throttle trench in your direction, you know that you have it bad.

I take many photos of the images that remind me of the “soon to arrive” snow, in hopes of sharing them with my fellow snowmobilers. Unfortunately, I am always slightly disappointed that the photos never reveal all the magic that my mind allows me to see and feel.

I think about where I have been, where I will go again and where I want to go next.

I think about the beauties of nature that I have seen and the wonderful friends that I have met. I think about new destinations and new friends yet to be enjoyed.

In my hometown I’m the guy who proudly defends Winter as being the best season “no mowing, no weeding, no painting, no snakes, no bugs and SNOWMOBILING”.  I’m the guy, who often utters the words “pray for snow” as he leaves.

If I’m honest with myself, I’m happiest when I’m snowmobiling. If you are like me, I don’t need to explain why.

As another “end of summer” vacation on the beach comes to an end.  I’m OK, you’re OK and we are not alone in thinking of the winter that is now, just around the corner.


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