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The USCC EAST cancelled the February 2 next Race !

The USCC East regrets to inform its racers and fans that the race tentatively scheduled for February 2, 2013 has been cancelled. The original promoter had decided to back out of the race for this season, leaving a short period of time to find a place to step up and take it over. We were not able to find a location that was willing and able to fill the spot.

“New York has proven to be a tough place in which to get an event secured,” said Erik Frigon, the head of the
USCC East. “From what we have seen, the economy seems to be the greatest hurdle in securing a race

“We are disappointed that we aren’t able to get a solid site for a race in New York,” Frigon continued. “We have
a lot of good racers there and we would like to give them a ‘home race.’” We know New York has a lot of great
places to hold a race, we just need to find one that is willing to pull it off and that will happen, it’s just going to
take more work on our part.”

The USCC East is in its fourth year of competition in the Northeast and in its first year under new ownership.

The USCC East has continued to grow each year and is looking to continue growth in the future. The season
kicks off with a race in Parlin Pond, ME on January 26. Please keep an eye on the website
(www.uscceast.com) and on Facebook (www.facebook.com/UsccEast?ref=hl) for updates on that race and the
others on the schedule for this year.

The USCC East would again like to apologize to and thank everyone for their understanding and continued
support in this decision. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Erik Frigon at

[email protected] or Bob Byron at [email protected]...

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