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The season is officially on!

Usually this time of year snowmobilers think about getting their sleds ready to go for the first ride. But for the sledmagazine.com team it’s hunting season, Snow hunting season that is. Last Saturday the 23 of October 2010 we got a chance to show our Skills and passion. We found snow in our favorite playground the “Montagne St-Pierre” in Rédemption QC.

This snow hunting theory of ours is to watch the weather updates continuously and our knowledge of the area tells us that if it’s raining in town it’s snowing on the mountain. So the first step is to hop in the truck and go for a ride on location. Then we’re able to see the accumulations and quality of the snow. If everything is ok we gather up the sleds and way we go.

This year the sledmagazine.com team was represented by 3 riders Denis Lavoie, Guillaume St-Laurent and I Philippe Soucy. We were at the bottom of the mountain for sun rise. As we were climbing up we could not believe the amount of snow we found on higher ground at least 18 inches.

This mountain is so amazing it offer a micro climate on its top and at the bottom just like everywhere else in the Lower St-Laurent region. This place is for sure a snowmobiler‘s treasure, especially at the beginning of the season.
We rode from 7h30 Am to 12h00 the temperature rose so for the machines sakes we ended our ride. The total mileage of the day came up to 60 Km and close to half a tank of gas. Not bad for the first time out of the year we will keep you posted on our next adventures. 

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