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The New Speedwerx Hypershift Clutch Kits From Arctic Cat

The New Speedwerx Hypershift Clutch Kits From Arctic Cat

Experience Championship-Winning Tuning and Performance

Experience the championship-winning tuning and performance of a Speedwerx Hypershift Clutch Kit from Arctic Cat. Developed for and tested by Team Arctic racers, the kits deliver smooth, hard-pulling acceleration with optimal back-shifting and throttle response. Some snowmobile models may see increased top-speed. Kits vary by application, with most featuring adjustable machined weights, H5 alloy drive and driven clutch springs, and a custom-cut helix. Custom-tuned for many 2018 6000 and 8000 series ZR and M snowmobiles, as well as 2017 8000 series ZR and M machines.

The MSRP ranges from $299.95 to $399.95 U.S./$453.95 – $604.95 Canada.


These and other new Arcticwear items are available now at most Arctic Cat dealerships and through the Arctic Cat online store at www.store.arcticcat.com.


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