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The Club de Motoneige Caribou Conscrits open this weekend on Monts Valin

The Club de Motoneige Caribou-Conscrits would like to inform snowmobilers that 200km (120 miles) of trail will be officially opened and groomed next weekend. Thoses trails will be available from friday December 5th.

Here some of the trails which will be opened:

  • Trans-Québec (93) of Valinouet at the junction of the C900
  • #251-252 (tour des Brumes)
  • #254 (Betsiamites)

    To have access to the trails the club recommands to park your vehicule at:

    • Station de Ski Valinouët
    • Km25 or Km31, path of ZEC Martin Valin

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