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Testing the SnowTracker

If, like me, you want to improve your snowmobile steering and control in icy curves on trails, this product is made for you. With a plan of 5 easy steps, it takes only a few minutes to install this anti-darting device. No need to be an experienced mechanic to do the job. Available since a few years at your dealer’s for about 230 $, it represents quite an interesting investment for your riding and safety.


The SnowTracker kit differs from one brand/model of snowmobile to the other. So, it is important to get the proper SnowTracker designed for your machine if you want to make the most of the product and appreciate it. Personally, I ran the test on a 2014 BRP MXZ TNT 800.


No matter the surface, icy, deep snow or hard packed, the SnowTracker does not require more effort from the pilot, on the contrary. Whether your speed is high or very slow, you will be totally seduced. Two models are available : aggressive or semi-aggressive according to your type of riding and the distance to be covered during your rides. The semi-aggressive model offers carbide runners of 6 in./15,2 cm with stabilizing keels of ¾ in./1,9 cm of penetration. The aggressive model offers carbide runners of 7 ½ in./19 cm with stabilizing keels of over 1 in./2,5 cm of penetration. The SnowTracker product is designed in such a way that height of stabilizers is lower than height of runners; thus, only runners wear out. I think that this additional equipment is not only a significant improvement of the overall performance of the machine, but also a significant improvement of your snowmobiling excitement with increased safety on icy surface.


As I tested it myself, I would like to mention the importance of adjusting correctly the suspension of your snowmobile and the pressure on your skis because it can modify your appreciation of the product. Special thanks to Kimpex for allowing me to try out the SnowTracker. Also, this device is available at your favorite dealer’s. Do not hesitate to test it and you will be convinced.

For more information on the snowtacker www.SnowTracker.com/

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