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TekVest: Every rider should have one!

The team members of Motoneiges.ca and Sledmagazine.com have always promoted the safe practice of our sport. Our team is very happy to announce that TekRider, the makers of TekVest has joined us in a project that will allow us to use and share our experience with this important personal protection product.

With the motto “If you need to be somewhere on Monday” TekVest is a product developed, designed and tested by snowmobilers for snowmobilers. TekRider was founded by snowmobiler Steve Brand in 1996. Since that time the TekVest product has been constantly improved for comfort and protection. For 16 years TekRider has remained committed to its Canada production facility and the use of the highest quality materials available. This commitment has resulted in the highest level of comfort, protection and durability.

Stay tuned on sledmagazine.com  for the full article coming out in October!

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