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SnowTracker : «Ski searching» is history !

Last winter we had the opportunity to test the new generation of SnowTracker. The installation of the corrector and the carbide is very simple and requires only 10 to 15 minutes. After we completed the installation we got out in the trails. At this moment the trails were icy especially on curves.

For each type of skis SnowTracker has a solution!

Right from the start we noticed that the «searching» effect was gone!. The snowmobile kept its course even on the ice patch we encountered in almost all the curves.  Then we told ourself than the SnowTrackers would make the steering harder in a lot of of snow.  Well, we were very surprised that this was not the case. The use of snowtrackers allowed us to remain in full control of the snowmobile regardless of the status of the trail.

A very important think to remember is that the SnowTrackers should only be installed when the trails has been opened for some time and the trail’s base is composed of packed snow We surely don’t want them on the skis early in the season while the trail is still very soft. We suggest waiting until the trail has been groomed several times. However the auto-sharpening carbides may be installed earlier in the season.

These trials were conducted from February to April on more than 2,000 km and in different trail conditions. During the coming season we will continue testing the SnowTrackers on another snowmobile. According to wear observed, we will be able to use this set for several thousand kilometers.

We recommend this product to all groomed trail snowmobilers and would like to thank SnowTracker for allowing us to conduct these tests.

Polaris Snowmobile

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